Gleneagles Aquatic Center
(2728 Lake Worth Road)
Monday-Thursday: 7am-7:30pm
Friday: 7am-6:30pm
Saturday: 7am-1:30pm
(561) 968-9622
Discover the Fitness Benefits of Aqua Aerobics!
Aqua Aerobics classes are a great way to mix up a traditional gym workout with the wondrous benefits of water. It only takes a few aqua aerobics sessions and you’ll see a big difference in your overall fitness.
Also known as water aerobics or sometimes waterobics, typical classes will involve all the exercises you would expect in a ‘dry’ class. But there are added bonuses when you exercise in the water with added resistance and reduced pressures and limitations on joints and muscles.
The Top Benefits of Aqua Aerobics
- Water supports the body, putting less stress on your joints and muscles
- Working out in water helps build strength. Fighting against the push of the water activates your muscles
- Water pressure helps put less strain on the heart by moving blood around the body
- The impact of gravity is less in the water allowing a greater range of motion
- Working out in water helps prevent overheating, helping you exercise for longer
- And… it’s fun! It is not often you can say that about a workout.